What is GeneRight™?

GeneRight™ is a platform that enables pharmaceutical companies to search for and license the medical data of individuals.

Benefit for Companies
GeneRight™ will enable pharmaceutical companies and other buyers of data to search for and license medical data tailored to their needs for research and development. GeneRight™ can help companies evolve to growing data needs.

・fast & flexible cohort selection
・fully legal & compliant


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

Charles Darwin

“Big data is at the foundation of all megatrends that are happening.”

Chris Lynch

Available Data
GeneRight™ is building a bioinformatic database derived from properly consented liver cancer, lung cancer and rare disease biosamples. This data will be available for sale in October 2019—we are now pre-marketing the data.

・9,000+ matched liver cancer biosamples
・3,000+ matched lung cancer biosamples
・350 rare disease biosamples
・deriving from Han Chinese genome
・quality controlled sample handling
・paired clinical data attributes


Current health care data demands exceed US$25 billion and is growing at about 27% per year. *

*McKinsey, 2019

“Our world is built on biology and once we begin to understand it,
it then becomes a technology.”
⎯⎯⎯ Ryan Bethencourt